Almost Home Dog Daycare & Boarding
Simply put, dog daycare is a facility where dog owners can bring their dogs to gather and play together while being supervised by experienced dog handlers. Dog daycare differs from pet sitting or day boarding in that the dogs are allowed to play with other compatible dogs off leash while getting exercise and socialization in a neutral location. The purpose of dog daycare is to provide stimulation, exercise, socialization, confidence building, and in some cases, training, to a dog who might otherwise be left home alone. Many dogs are left home alone for extended periods of time throughout the day and busy owners often are unable to provide the amount of exercise and interaction their dog needs. Without adequate interaction, dogs sometimes develop destructive behavior problems such as chewing, digging, incessant barking, or regression in their house training
skills. Without the opportunity to interact regularly with others of “their own kind,” dogs often are socially inept, fearful, and/or aggressive. Dog daycare provides the exercise, socialization, and mental stimulation a dog needs in a fun, safe, and supervised environment. Your dog will return home tired & happy, and you will be at peace knowing
your best friend was well taken care of while you were otherwise occupied.
How do you enroll in daycare?
Call Almost Home Dog Daycare and Boarding at (319) 385-2600 to set up an appointment for a 20-30 minute “meet & greet” interview which will help us determine if daycare would benefit your canine best friend. During the interview, we will ask you several questions regarding your dog’s prior history, if they have any. After the initial greeting, an employee will rub on your dog, before going to get our dog to do the
“meet and greet”. If all goes well, you will have an opportunity to see the facility and watch daycare in action!
What Else Should I Know?
All dogs enrolled in daycare must be at least 12 weeks to attend. Every dog at six months of age must be spayed or neutered, due to state regulation (no exception). All dogs must be in good health and must not have been ill with a communicable disease in the last 30 days. All dogs must have current vaccinations (distemper, rabies and bordatella). Owners will be required to provide proof of current vaccinations
from their vet. No dogs with known aggression problems will be accepted. If a dog is determined be aggressive or inappropriate while playing at Almost Home, he will not be allowed to return to daycare.
What will my dog do at Almost Home Dog Daycare and Boarding?
While at Almost Home, your dog will spend the day playing (both indoors and outdoors) with other dogs while being supervised by professional dog daycare handlers. The typical daycare day at Almost Home is very casual and the dogs are allowed to play as much or as little with the other dogs as they wish. There are a wide variety of toys to play with, a slide to play on, and in the winter Iowa blesses us with snow drifts to play “king-of-the-mountain” games. We are closed from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. for nap time, when everyone is supplied a blanket to snooze on. After a long morning of wild play, the dogs actually welcome a break and a quick snooze. After lunch, the dogs are again free to play as they wish, or cat nap as they please until time to go home. Just like at a human daycare, dog play can sometimes get pretty rowdy. A staff member constantly supervises the group play and implements corrections when necessary. As with children, dogs may occasionally get scratches, nicks, or scrapes from playing with others. These incidents may be treated with the appropriate first aid and parents will be notified if deemed necessary.